Tour in Sao Paulo
Promotional video of "The Best of S&atil - city tour São Paulo
The most prestigious city tour in So PauloPromotional video of The Best of So Paulo city tour offered by RedCars. This is a 5-hour tour that happens from Wednesday to Sunday. It cost only R 179 per person and it's perfect for international tourists. Special thanks to Marcos Oliveira, one of the best tour guides in town. Book your tour at or ask your concierge for a RedCars' city tour.Tour in Sao Paulo
Promotional video of quotThe Best of Satildeo Pauloquot city tour offered by RedCars. This is a 5-hour tour that happens from Wednesday to Sunday. It cost only R 179 per person and it's perfect for international tourists. Special thanks to Marcos Oliveira, one of the best tour guides in town. Book your tour at or ask your concierge for a RedCars' city tour. city tour So Paulo - Una excursin de medio da, por los sitios ms bellos de la zona sur de So Paulo, la ciudad ms grande en el planeta.
La siguiente parada ser el Museo del ftbol en estdio Cicero Pompeo de Toledo
Dejando SP despus de 40 minutos nos detenemos en la ciudad de Santos serpenteando la floresta atlntica y la inmensa paz de la vista panormica del ocano. El alma limpiado por cada bao de cascada.
La ciudad del rey Pel y es posible tomar un caf en la Bolsa del Caf. Nos dirigimos a la hermosa romntica ciudad de Guaruj, que es famoso sus bellas playas, buen momento para tomar un caf y despues seguir en el camino de regreso a Sao Paulo que se ve un poco de las afueras de la ciudad.
Cellphone 5511 92000 - 7253 whats Up
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city tour So Paulo
Una excursin de medio da, por los sitios ms bellos de la zona sur de So Paulo, la ciudad ms grande en el planeta.
La siguiente parada ser el Museo del ftbol en estdio Cicero Pompeo de Toledo
Dejando SP despus de 40 minutos nos detenemos en la ciudad de Santos serpenteando la floresta atlntica y la inmensa paz de la vista panormica del ocano. El alma limpiado por cada bao de cascada.
La ciudad del rey Pel y es posible tomar un caf en la Bolsa del Caf. Nos dirigimos a la hermosa romntica ciudad de Guaruj, que es famoso sus bellas playas, buen momento para tomar un caf y despues seguir en el camino de regreso a Sao Paulo que se ve un poco de las afueras de la ciudad.
Cellphone : 5511 92000 - 7253 whats Up
Tour in Sao Paulo
Promotional video of "The Best of São Paulo" city tour offered by RedCars. This is a 5-hour tour that happens from Wednesday to Sunday. It cost only R$ 179 per person and it's perfect for international tourists. Special thanks to Marcos Oliveira, one of the best tour guides in town. Book your tour at or ask your concierge for a RedCars' city tour.
A half-day excursion which shows you the most beautiful sights of the southern part of the São Paulo, the biggest city in the planet.
Next stop would be the Museum of football.
Leaving SP…
A half-day excursion which shows you the most beautiful sights of the southern part of the São Paulo, the biggest city in the planet.
Next stop would be the Museum of football.
Leaving SP after a 30 min drive we stop at the city of Santos passing to the forest Atlantic and felling the overwhelming peace from the panoramic view of the ocean. The soul cleaned by each waterfall bath.
The city revelates the king Pele and it is possible to stop for a coffee in Bolsa do Café.
We drive to the beautiful romantic city of Guaruja which is famous for its thermal springs, good time for a coffee break, on the way back to Sao Paulo you see a little of the countryside outside the city.
Aiming to strengthen São Paulo, as a tourist center, we present to you a city tour in the coast of the State of São Paulo for its beauty.
Everything that people says…
Aiming to strengthen São Paulo, as a tourist center, we present to you a city tour in the coast of the State of São Paulo for its beauty.
Everything that people says is not enough to express the exuberance of its nature, the blue and the green mix and vary, when the mountains found the ocean. The white strips ]of the sand and seafoam merge upon diving in the calm-water of the beach resort of São Paulo.
With subtle differences, but each with its own personality, the Municipalities string along: some urbanized, others barely explored, without that ostensible sophistication, offering a wide range of possibilities.
Seafront gardens, excellent commercial centers, high level ozone atmosphere, very important historical centers of Brazil`s colonizations - a wealth of stories about fights with the natives, invasion attempts, pirates` hideaways and mysterious shipwrecks - ecological tourism, folkloric events, fishing, schooner rides, scuba diving, nautical sports, hang-gliding and water-falls. Finally, we present in this excursion a bit of paradise.
As as tour guide, I feel privileged to be launching this site as an official start of an action that will bring more to the development of tourism in this part of the State of Sao Paulo.
Came to see the COAST OF SÃO PAULO!
Com a intenção de São Paulo, como destino turístico, colocamos a disposição de todos o passeio do litoral de São…
Com a intenção de São Paulo, como destino turístico, colocamos a disposição de todos o passeio do litoral de São Paulo.
Tudo o que se pensa em dizer é pouco para expressar a exuberância da natureza, os tons de verde e azul
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Una excursin de medio da, por los sitios ms bellos de la zona sur de So Paulo, la ciudad ms grande en el planeta.
La siguiente parada ser el Museo del ftbol en estdio Cicero Pompeo de Toledo
Dejando SP despus de 40 minutos nos detenemos en la ciudad de Santos serpenteando la floresta atlntica y la inmensa paz de la vista panormica del ocano. El alma limpiado por cada bao de cascada.
La ciudad del rey Pel y es posible tomar un caf en la Bolsa del Caf. Nos dirigimos a la hermosa romntica ciudad de Guaruj, que es famoso sus bellas playas, buen momento para tomar un caf y despues seguir en el camino de regreso a Sao Paulo que se ve un poco de las afueras de la ciudad.
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city tour So Paulo
Una excursin de medio da, por los sitios ms bellos de la zona sur de So Paulo, la ciudad ms grande en el planeta.
La siguiente parada ser el Museo del ftbol en estdio Cicero Pompeo de Toledo
Dejando SP despus de 40 minutos nos detenemos en la ciudad de Santos serpenteando la floresta atlntica y la inmensa paz de la vista panormica del ocano. El alma limpiado por cada bao de cascada.
La ciudad del rey Pel y es posible tomar un caf en la Bolsa del Caf. Nos dirigimos a la hermosa romntica ciudad de Guaruj, que es famoso sus bellas playas, buen momento para tomar un caf y despues seguir en el camino de regreso a Sao Paulo que se ve un poco de las afueras de la ciudad.
Cellphone : 5511 92000 - 7253 whats Up